Thursday 21 April 2011

Theory Class!!

At last i managed to go to the driving theory class and i dont know that this class got morning session and evening session..
if i know it from the beginning for sure i dont have to trouble myself try to wake up early ion the morning :(
So i took the evening session class yesterday,the class started at 1.30 p.m and i woke up at 1 o clock :)
guess what?like usual everibody in the class never thought that i'm eighteen and all of them thought i'm a man with kids..ermmmm maybe coz of my new haircut i think that make  me older than my age...
ok in that class was so boring coz the facilitator just taught about what's going to happen duirng the 3 hour practical test and scaring us about the jpj test and what's going to cost us if we fail those tests..
so lame!

Monday was a busy day.

last monday my uncle called me early in the morning and i wondered what the hell did my uncle want so early in the morning and apparently he want to ask me to wash my grandparent's aquarium and without doubt i agree to do that work...
So in the evening I go to my grandparent's house and look to the aquarium and damn it so green,cloudy and mossy!I asked myself how long this aquarium has been ignored and how come i never realised that my granparent has an aquarium like that?
So first i drained out all the water inside the aquarium and damn it the fish inside it is so damn big and i asked what type of fish is this and he replied 'ikan kaloi'..
you wanna see how big is that fish?i took a picture of it while i wash it and this fish is so damn wild fish i ever seen in my life and at first i thought it is a piranha..
here's a picture of the fish..

I only managed to get one of its picture since this is so wild
and i'm sorry if the picture  not so clear coz  i took this
 picture using my Motorola E398 with only 1 megapixel camera
it is as big as this baby bath tub right?

*p/s sorry if my english not so good..:(
i'm improving it by writing this blog in english n i hope my friend can help me with my grammar and vocabulary

Sunday 17 April 2011

Mercedes Benz W123 JB Club Meeting

Petang td aku gi perjumpaan club Mercedes Benz W123 kat Restoran Assalam,Setia Tropika...
agak mengecewakan gak la sebab hanya 5 club members je yg dtg..
n lama gak perjumpaan nie dr kol 4 sampai kol 6.30 ptg..
bukan berbual apa pon,banyak berbual pasal MBW123 modification n cari model W123 nie kat internet yg da modified punya sebab kebanyakan dr diorang nie baru nak modified diorang punya kete so nak cari inspiration la..
tp mcm bese la aku punya lappy la yg jd perhatian sbb sebelum aku gi perjumpaan nie aku da wat research da pasal W123 da,so diorang tgok kat laptop aku la gambar2 kete MBW123 ni yg da modified punya..
Happy gle diorang n ramai da inspired n dapat banyak idea lpas tgok gambar2 dr lappy aku nie..
tp yg bestnya g club nie td sebab ramai puji kete aku interior lawa ngan body tegak lg..:P
tp mmg aku rasa kete aku antara kete yg bole menarik perhatian la dlm club 2 sebab aku men kete original condition jea xde modified2 so baru la nampak classic plus interior aku yg paling lawa dlm club 2 sebab seat kete aku full leather yg mana mmg susah nak cari dlm mana2 model W123 nie n aku nye kete ada seatbelt blakang..
lpas aku abis je meeting nie aku gi Yew's Cafe n park kete kat situ..
mmg berkilat la kete aku nampak masa park kat Yew's cafe ni..
aku ada snap2 pic sket so korang tgok la..:P

Yg no KL 6444 tu kete eden :P
smart x?

ni masa kat Restoran Assalam,Setia Tropika
(Ada 5 biji tp kete Honda ni menyemak so dapat ambik gambar 4 biji je)

Ni masa kat parking lot Yew's Cafe
(mmg nampak berkilat masa nie)

Ni pon kat Yew's Cafe gak mmg nampak berkilat gle la masa nie.. 

Tp nie la kenangan terakhir aku ngan kete nie sebab aku nak jual kete nie nak amek Mecedes Benz W123 230E plak sebab yg kete aku yg lama nie 2000 cc je so aku nak amek yg 2300 cc plak..barulah mantap nnt kat highway!